Bring on Innovation
At Indiana University, we innovate with daring curiosity and bold imagination, making transformational discoveries that reshape the world around us.

Innovating at the speed of life
Indiana University’s research community reimagines the future and then creates it, pioneering innovations that transform bold ideas into life-changing results.

Obesity epidemic research honored as Breakthrough of the Year
Distinguished Professor Richard DiMarchi's transformative research into the use of GLP-1 drugs to fight obesity is a shining example of IU innovation and has earned him the 2024 Mani L. Bhaumik Breakthrough of the Year award.

The nation's No. 1 online MBA celebrates 25 years
The Kelley Direct MBA was the first program of its kind from a top business school and it quickly became the best. Now, it's celebrating 25 years of excellence and continuing to lead the way in online business education.

Student-led startups pave a future of innovation
Four undergrads have taken their research out of the lab and into the community by launching startup companies, showcasing how the culture of innovation at Indiana University impacts students at every level.

Kelley professor on cutting edge of AI research
Professor Sagar Samtani's research pairs data analytics and artificial intelligence to improve cybersecurity, better diagnose mental health issues, and create high-impact solutions for the business world.

Undergrads establish $4.2 million private equity fund
Established by Kelley School of Business students, Sample Gates Management Inc., is the largest undergraduate student-managed real estate private equity fund launch, measured by dollars raised, in the country. It's a unique opportunity made possible by the entrepreneurial climate found at Indiana University.

Historic oral health breakthrough honored
The impact of Indiana University's development of the first fluoride toothpaste formula continues to be felt more than 70 years later. In fact, the Department of Chemistry has earned a National Historic Chemical Designation from the American Chemical Society for this work.

Pentagon recognizes students for their consulting work
As part of their graduate program at the Kelley School of Business, four students completed consulting projects for the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division. Their work in the school’s Field Consulting Project earned them recognition from the Pentagon.

Physician MBA program trains healthcare's leaders
More than a decade ago, Kelley launched the first Physician MBA program from a top-ranked business school. Today, the school counts more than 400 physician leaders working to transform healthcare among its alumni.

IU Innovates rapidly expands student entrepreneurship
More than 125 student startup founders and 30 student startup teams have found the support they need to pursue their dreams at IU Innovates. Founded less than a year ago, IU Innovates is driving impact by expanding entrepreneurship at Indiana University.
We are a university where imagination, ideas, and entrepreneurship thrive.
Pamela Whitten President of Indiana University
Leading the Way to Excellence
Indiana University is fearlessly tackling some of society's biggest challenges. Making breakthrough discoveries in technology, medicine, and science. And transforming our world in ways both big and small.

Public Mission
Indiana University has a proud legacy of turning bold ideas into transformative breakthroughs that empower our communities.
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Brain Science
Indiana University is setting a new standard for neuroscience, unlocking secrets of the mind that will take us from diagnosis to treatment to cure.
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